Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Mass and the Eucharist are the heart of who we are as Catholics.  Consider being involved in our parish liturgies in the following ways. Training is provided.

  • Altar Servers

    Altar Servers: Children in 5th grade and older, who have received their First Communion and are regular participants at Mass are able to be trained for the ministry of Altar Server.  Contact Carol Daun for more information.

    Contact Carol Daun
  • Eucharistic Minister

    Help distribute the Hosts or Precious Blood at weekend liturgies.  Eucharistic Ministers must have recieved the Sacrament of Confirmation.

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  • Lector

    Proclaims the First and Second Reading (occasionaly, also the Prayers of the Faithful, if a Deacon is not present) at weekend and Holy Day liturgies. 

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  • Usher

    Along with greeters, ushers are one of the first faces that all encounter as they enter the gathering space and the church. Ushers assist in welcoming everyone, directing them to seating if needed. They also monitor the congregation during Mass to see if anyone has a special need that requires assistance, and hand out the weekly bulletin.

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