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Frequently Asked Questions

  • When are Masses?

    Saturdays 4:00pm in the main church

    Sundays 10:00am in the main church

    Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (when there is no school Mass), 7:45am in the Little Brick Church

    First Fridays of the month: 6:30pm in the Little Brick Church. 

    When school is in session, there is no Friday Mass in the morning.

    On First Fridays, there is no Mass in the morning. 

  • When is confession?

    By appointment. Please call the parish office, 414-762-4200 ext. 120 to make an appointment.

  • How do I join your parish?

    Welcome! We are excited to have you join our community! To register, please contact our parish office, 414-762-4200 ext. 120, or fill out the online form linked below.

    Join Our Parish
  • How do I become Catholic?

    This process can begin any time, and has four steps:

    Inquiry:  Asking questions about the Catholic Church, Scripture, and answering any other questions you may have. This process begins by contacting Karin Felske. At the end of this step, there is a discernment if the process is something they want to continue.    The person or group of people and their sponsor are introduced to the parish community via the Rite of Acceptance/Welcome at a weekend Mass. They state their intention to want to become a member of the Catholic Church through Baptism or complete their initiation through the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist.

    Catechumenate:  This second step involves continuing to gather as part of the community; with members of the RCIA team the group is dismissed from Mass following the Homily to break open the Scriptures of the day.  The group also gathers for topical sessions to learn more about what we believe and to answer any questions they may have.    During the season of Lent, the group again comes before the parish community for the Rite of Sending; sponsors affirm their candidate is ready to recieve the sacraments, and the community pledges their continued prayers and support. The group is sent to the Bishop where he recognizes them as ready for the Easter Sacraments.

    Purification & Enlightenment:  During this time, the group is prayed for in a special way as they focus on their journey and continue their preparation to receive the Sacraments.

    Mystagogy:  Reflection on their experience receiving the Sacraments


  • When is the next Fish Boil?

    October 4th 2024, 4:00pm to 7:00pm

    Join us in the school cafeteria.

    Advanced tickets will be available in the parish office closer to that date.

Already a Frequent Visitor?

Register with St. Matthew Parish by calling the parish office, 414-762-4200 ext. 120, or emailing parish@stmattoc.org.  Welcome! We are glad to have you as a part of our community!  Registering helps us get to know the people in our parish community so we can better serve you.

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